Stadt Land Fluss at Swiss Art Awards, Basel

I wrote ‘The Box Disappears’ in the 90s. Rereading it and painting Relic, felt like an introspective journey. Stadt, Land, Fluss are iterations of this feeling that invite the viewer to participate. Remember that Eastpak you had (or have)?
In Stadt, the viewer shares the perspective with a figure navigating the city. In Land, the gazing figure scans the horizon, while the viewer roams the composition. Fluss might identify with the viewer’s gaze as it veers into the unseen.

Relic, 2023, Flashe, oil and spraypaint on textile


Stadt, 2023, Flashe, pigment, oil and spraypaint on textile


Land, 2023, Flashe, pigment, oil, oilstick and spraypaint on textile


Fluss, 2023, pigment, oil, oilstick and spraypaint on textile